So much study and research has been done in the field of ornithology that the discovery of a new species of bird is indeed sensational. A new bird discovery hasn't been made in over past half a century in the Indian Subcontinent. India is probably the subcontinent with the most rich avifauna in the whole world. The new bird which now named "Bugun Liocichla" was discovered recently in the Eaglenest wildlife sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, a north-eastern state of India. This bird was spotted first by a professional astronomer and amateaur ornithologist named Ramana Athreya 10 years ago. He spotted it again now (september 2005) and confirmed the identity of a species which is not been documented still.
This bird is named "Bugun Liocichla" being found in the forest where the Bugun tribe resides.
For more details find the paper by Ramana Athreya on this new bird.
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